A cow elk that was believed to have been shot between Oct 6th and 8th. (Photo Courtesy – Oregon State Police)
Prineville, Ore. – The Oregon State Police are seeking public help in two recent alleged poaching cases that took place within less than a week of each other.
On Oct. 11th, OSP’s Fish & Wildlife Division reported it was investigating the unlawful take and waste of a cow elk that was found inside the Choco Wildlife Management Area. That report stated that a cow elk that was believed to have been shot between Oct. 6th and 8th near the southwest corner of Big Summit Prairie and USFS Road 42.
Then on Oct. 14th OSP reported another alleged poaching case involving a yearling buck deer inside the Grizzly Wildlife Management Are. That response was prompted after a citizens report and was believed to have occurred around 10:30pm on Oct. 10th on McKay Creek Road near USFS Road 33 junction north of Prineville. OSP’s statement claimed the yearling buck deer was shot multiple times with a 9mm and that a suspect vehicle was believed to be a Chevy S10 or similar pick-up truck.
Anyone with information about either incident is asked to contact Sr. Trooper Tayler Jerome via the TIP hotline at 800-452-7888, by email [email protected], or by contacting OSP dispatch at *OSP (*677), referencing case number SP24-330774.
OSP’s TIP program offers preference point rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuing a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of big game mammals.