Crook County Sheriff’s deputies and Search & Rescue help two vehicles stuck on snowy forest roads

An unrelated photo (not connected to this incident) of the Crook County Sheriff’s Office volunteers from February 2023. (Photo Credit – Crook County Sheriff’s Office)

Prineville, Ore. – Deputies from the Crook County Sheriff’s Office and its Search & Rescue team responded to calls for help from two separate motorists on Sunday, according to a press release.

At approximately 3:45 pm, deputies responded to a report of a vehicle stuck in the Ochoco National Forest on Forest Service Road 2610.

That vehicle, a Ford Ranger, contained two males who were stuck in approximately 2-3 feet of snow — “conditions that exceeded their vehicle’s driving abilities,” said CCSO.

Deputies then activated the Crook County Search and Rescue whose volunteers responded. The two males returned safely to Prineville.

The press release went on to report that during the search for the first vehicle, a separate 911 call was made about another stuck vehicle.

“While SAR members were actively searching for the above motorist, Crook County Dispatch received a separate 911 call about a stuck motorist on Forest Service RD 27 east of Harvy Gap,” said CCSO.

“A preliminary investigation revealed that a female drove her 2016 Chevy Tahoe in mountain snow conditions that exceeded both her vehicle’s and her driving abilities with her 8-year-old child. The female became stuck in snow, with temperatures expected to be below 10 degrees F in the mountains that evening. SAR members located both the woman and her child and returned them safely to their residence in Prineville.”

CCSO also reported that none of the motorists required medical attention.

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“The Crook County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the SAR team members who responded to make a successful and safe recovery,” the statement said.

The Crook County Sheriff’s Office also wanted to remind motorists to use sound judgment when recreating on public lands.