Meeting Notice/Agenda: Click here
Use the link under the website section below to view the public notice from the governing body (if available)
Remote Attendance Information:
Meeting ID: 961 8601 7801 – Passcode: 883121
Prineville Review Livestreams:
TBD – We upload meeting recordings if we attend in person to YouTube and typically provide Livestreams via Facebook at this current time. Some official meeting records are also uploaded to our YouTube.
Editorial Notes:
The Crook County Cemetery District is preparing to review and adopt a “media policy” in response to its concerns over reporting by the Prineville Review and access to executive session. The public body’s attorney has acknowledged the issue is ripe for a legal challenge by news media interests.
The Oregon Government Ethics Commission recently decided to start a full investigation into the district’s board chair Jamie Wood and former director Velda Jones for public meetings violations it admitted to last year.
Recent News Coverage:
Check Event Tag links for information on any potential recent coverage regarding this public or governing body.
— Be sure to check back for potential updates. You can also check any official general notices under the website section below. Some updates made by a public body may not be able to be reposted here.